"Personally accompanying moms in need may sound daunting, but it can be the littlest things."- Brie Anne Varick, Director of the Office of Human Life and Dignity
Drive her to a doctor's appointment
Watch her baby or other children so she can take a shower, run an errand, or have a date night
Start or join a moms group in your parish or community
Offer to visit and keep her company, an adult conversation may be what she needs!
Bring her a meal or start a meal train
Host a baby shower
Call and check in on a new mom
Send an encouraging text or email
Volunteer at your local pregancny center
If you like going to garage sales, keep an eye out for items that could be donated to your local pregnancy resource center
Visit a second-hand baby store and ask if you can have all the clothes they don’t sell when they’re turning over seasons
Pray! Spiritually adopt an unborn child using the prayer by Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Pray a holy hour for moms, our state legislators and officials, for all those who are working to help serve moms in need and for more workers in the vineyard to do that. Pray for an openness to foster care and adoption.